
0.2.0 (2017-02-14)

  • acl middleware:
    • Add setup function for acl middleware to install it in aiohttp fashion.
    • Fix bug in acl_required decorator.
    • Fix a possible security issue with acl groups. The issue is follow: the default behavior is to add user_id to groups for authenticated users by the acl middleware, but if user_id is equal to some of acl groups that user suddenly has the permissions he is not allowed for. So to avoid this kind of issue user_id is not added to groups any more.
    • Introduce AbstractACLGroupsCallback class in acl middleware to make it possible easily create callable object by inheriting from the abstract class and implementing acl_groups method. It can be useful to store additional information (such database connection etc.) within such class. An instance of this subclass can be used in place of acl_groups_callback parameter.
  • auth middleware:
    • Add setup function for auth middleware to install it in aiohttp fashion.
    • auth.auth_required raised now a web.HTTPUnauthorized instead of a web.HTTPForbidden.
  • Introduce generic authorization middleware autz that performs authorization through the same interface (autz.permit coroutine and autz_required decorator) but using different policies. Middleware has the ACL authorization as the built in policy which works in the same way as acl middleware. Users are free to add their own custom policies or to modify ACL one.
  • Add global aiohttp_auth.setup function to install auth and autz middlewares at once in aiohttp fashion.
  • Add docs.
  • Rewrite tests using pytest and pytest-aiohttp.